The Industree is honoured to be working with The Odell Family to not only help raise money but awareness about AVM. $3 from the sale of each #TEAMBRAYDEN
hoodie will go to The Brayden Odell Foundation
Here is their story...
~On Friday January 22nd 2021, it was a normal Friday evening at our home. We had just got back from the skating rink. My 11 year old son Brayden went into our room to play on his PS4 with his friend online. A little while later he came out complaining of a sudden bad headache. Within seconds his life changed! He started to sweat like I have never seen, his eyes were looking very glossy and then he asked “Mommy am I going to be ok?” I responded “yes of course everything is going to be ok”, we called 911. He then couldn’t talk and only hear my husband asking him if he hears us lift up a finger which he did 3 times, a few seconds after he went into a coma. The ambulance and first responders arrived and transferred him to the hospital. He was sent for a scan and we were told that our son was very sick and needed a brain operation to release the pressure in his brain. 4 hours later after a successful operation, our neurosurgeon told us what we had never heard of before! Brayden had a very rare condition. He had an AVM in his cerebellum that ruptured. An AVM is a Arteriovenous Malformation which he was born with and we had no signs or symptoms! Once he was in the ICU we prayed that our little warrior would be ok and all we wanted to see was his beautiful blue eyes open again one more time so we knew he was ok, unfortunately 4 days later he went into cardiac arrest due to many factors from the initial bleed, his pressures weren’t stable enough and there was nothing left they could do after he had those two cardiac arrests. We were so devastated and are living a parents worst nightmare. No parent should have to live this ever. My family and I want to help others to be aware of this silent killer and we want to start a foundation with the St Justine hospital in Brayden’s memory. We want to make a difference to find a cure or get early screening for children before it’s too late. Please help us in supporting this foundation! It’s only rare until it happens to you!
Jennifer, Kevin, Brianna, Dylan and Shane xxxxxx
*Brayden has helped others by donating his organs and tissues to let others continue living life. A little boy with the biggest golden heart for everyone

Our Hero forever and always xx